Hearing Test Apps

Outstanding Hearing Test Apps


How It Works

The Mimi Hearing Test application is a digital screening tool for hearing abilities. The user-friendly test is easy to run and easy to access in case you are curious about your hearing health. Users are guided through the test and can perform it in the comfort of their own homes. It takes just a few minutes and can be done on a smartphone or tablet.

The test allows a remote hearing screening and provides the users with individualized results about their hearing to sensitize the user to possible hearing problems or to offer educational material.

Mimi Hearing Test does not supersede or replace a diagnosis by a physician and is not intended to be used for monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of any disease or disability. If you have questions or concerns with regard to your hearing health, please consult a medical professional.

The Technology Behind It

Mimi’s testing technology measures different aspects of hearing ability. Alongside the standard audiological Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) test, Mimi has developed a groundbreaking Masked Threshold (MT) suprathreshold test based on Mimi’s research into audio masking.

Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) Test

Mimi’s Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) test has been developed for calibrated devices and headphones and tests the lowest intensity sound that a person can detect in a silent environment. Pure tone threshold tests represent the industry standard for assessing hearing ability, with an audiogram as the output.

Masked Threshold (MT) Test

Mimi’s Masked Threshold (MT) test is an advanced device-agnostic hearing test developed for uncalibrated devices. It measures the quietest level of a pure tone that a user can perceive in the presence of a masker (i.e. noise) at a specific frequency. This correlates with the ability to make sense of complex soundscapes. This ability is called spectral tuning, with broad tuning being an indicator of hearing impairment.

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Hearing Test

Pure tone audiometry for popular Android phones without the need for calibration. Over 300,000 users in 2 years! Check on your own.

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